Phone Number
(865) 862-5956About Me
Charissa is a Benefits Account Representative on the CORE Benefits & Investments Team. She graduated from The University of Tennessee in May 2014 and holds a B.S. in Education with a Communication Disorders Concentration. She began her career in the investment industry while in college and has since provided executive level support to financial advisors affiliated with Lincoln Financial, Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., and Raymond James. Her responsibilities with past employers include preparing, processing, and following up on financial services paperwork. She ensured these offices met all compliance requirements, communicating directly with Financial Firm Corporate offices and Service Providers to answer questions and resolve issues. Working in the financial services industry over the last 12 years has led to an extensive client relations and problem-solving background.
As a Benefits Account Representative for CORE’s Group Benefits & Insurance team Charissa provides a valuable connection between our insurance carriers and our policy providers. She interacts with our clients to provide information in response to inquiries about products and services. She responds to our clients’ service requests, prepares plan option proposals for our clients’ consideration, and finalizes policy adjustments. Additionally, she assists our Benefits Director with recommendations of available products.
She holds a Life & Health Insurance License, as well as a Series 65 Securities License.